CSC 599: Senior Capstone
Fall 2016

4:00-6:30 W
432 Criss II
Dr. David Reed
203D Hitchcock      x2583

Texts:    Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion.
           Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen, and Hary Lewis, Addison-Wesley, 2008.
The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood.
           James Gleick, Vintage, 2012.

Prerequisite: Computer Science & Informatics (or related) major, Senior standing

Course Description

This project-based capstone is intended for computer science seniors. Each student will design, implement, and present a project that integrates computer science content from his or her major courses. It is expected that the project will involve building a software and/or Web-based product, such as database of resources for a non-profit organization, a mobile app for locating classrooms on campus, or an interactive, multimedia Web site for a student group. In addition, students will read and discuss articles in a seminar-style setting.

Specific objectives:

Required Work

The class will meet weekly to discuss articles on computer science and its impact. Each student will lead the discussion on one or more readings, and will be expected to contribute to discussions on all of the readings. In addition, each student will meet individually or in small groups with the instructor to receive guidance and to report on his/her project. The project must integrate content from the computer science curriculum. For example, developing a mobile application that connects to a customer database would integrate concepts from Data Structures, Web Programming, and Databases.

Each team of students will complete a 10-page (minimum) project report that provides background information, design goals, and a detailed description of the project. A draft of that report must be submitted for feedback and the appropriate revisions made in the final report. In the last week of the course, students will present their projects to the class.

Students are expected to attend and participate in discussions each week. In the case of an emergency, the student should make every effort to notify the instructor of his/her absence, and meet with the instructor at earliest opportunity to discussed missed material. The final grade for the course will be based on the following weightings:

Seminar-style discussions 45%
    attendance/participation (25%)
    preparation/leadership (20%)
Capstone project 55%
    project proposal (5%)
    checkpoint 1 (5%)
    checkpoint 2 (5%)
    report draft (15%)
    final report (15%)
    project presentation (10%)

At the minimum, departmental grading cutoffs for the final average will apply. That is, 92-100% guarantees an A, 87-91% a B+, 82-86% a B, 77-81% a C+, 71-76% a C, and 60-70% a D. Depending on class performance, some shifting of grades (in an upward direction only) may occur as final letter grades are assigned.

It is expected that all students check their Creighton email accounts regularly. Official announcements, such as assignment revisions or class cancellations, will be distributed through Creighton email.

Policy on Collaboration

Creighton's policy on cheating and plagiarism is spelled out in the the Student Handbook, with college procedures available online. In addition, the Capstone project must be an original work of the student or team of students for this course. When the project builds upon existing ideas or code, the sources must be appropriately referenced.

Weekly Schedule (check regularly for updates)

Date Discussion Project
Aug 24 Organizational meeting (Reed)  
31 Blown to Bits, Ch. 1 (Reed)
Blown to Bits, Ch. 2 (Reed)
Sep 7 Blown to Bits, Ch. 3 (Lee)
Blown to Bits, Ch. 4 (Cheevers)
Project team roster due
14 movie night Project proposal due
21 Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Turing (Reed)
A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), Patterson, Gibson & Katz (Reed)
28 Professionalism & career planning
The Mythical Man-Month, Brooks (Howe)
Oct 5 The World Wide Web, Berners-Lee, Cailliau, Luotonen, Nielsen & Secret (Williams)
The Anatomy of a Large-scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine, Brin & Page (Chavez)
12 The Information, Ch 1 & 2 (Ferlic) Checkpoint 1
26 project work day  
Nov 2 The Information, Ch 3 & 4 (Mungloo) Checkpoint 2
9 The Information, Ch 5 & 6 (Blenkush)  
16 A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Shannon (Reed)  
30 Project consultations & collaboration Report draft due
Dec 7 Presentations Project presentations
14 Submit final project report by class time Final report due

In the event of disruption of normal classroom activities due to a flu outbreak or other emergency, the format for this course may be modified to enable completion of the course. In that event, you will be provided an addendum to this syllabus that will supersede this version.